One of the first things you think about the dental practice is that is serving a local community. which is not far from the truth.
When we opened, or better way to say it: even before we opened our practice we started with the promotion, and reaching out to the local community. Google my business, social media profiles activation, EDDM’s (Every Door to door mail).

We learned from valuable podcast dedicated to dentists, our website was up and running probably three months before the official opening of the practice. Before that happened we worked on our SEO onsite and office collecting the backlinks.
Then we launch the direct mail campaign and it was a blast… ant that is pretty typical marketing actions one needs to put in place.

Christmas on Las Olas
Local also learned about us during the traditional Christmas on Las Olas event. It was a magical christmas party on the street were we meet many families and chat with them about their needs. We talked about our latest iTero, and CT scanner and services and health insurances and packages that we are covering.
But running a dentistry its’s not just about that.
We cannot say that we are only focusing on locals.
Few weeks ago my marketing guy responded to an ordinary question in facebook Group in New York. The post was:
New week, new start ☀️ What’s happening in your neck of the woods?
And he said: hello everyone, happy Monday! On our end we are very bussy and excited because we are opening a Start up dental Premium Botique Practice in Fort Lauderdale. And then he share few words about our services, how they can reach out to us, how big is the team and so on…
Then someone asked the most relevant question which turned the conversation totally: Congrats on you business success, but why are you shering the info in New York about dental practice in South Floirida? Do you think that someone from here will book an appointment just like that all the way in Fort Lauderdale?
And then marketing guy nailed it:
I understood the question, and now I’ll explain.
Imagine this situation—it recently happened.
A young couple comes to Florida for vacation. They’re exploring, walking around, and the girl trips, falls, and breaks a tooth.
Unfortunately, these things happen.
The boyfriend is panicked, running around, calling everyone he can think of, posting on Facebook, asking if anyone knows a dentist in their new and unfamiliar environment who is:

A. Local
B. From “our community”
C. Able to see her immediately
I’m not making any assumptions; I’m just saying—it’s useful to know. 😊
When you have a toothache, you usually can’t travel by plane. So, returning to New York, Toronto, or Chicago becomes much more complicated.
That’s why I wanted to introduce our office, just in case someone ever—God forbid—needs it. Or maybe people want to get their dental work done specifically in Florida because it’s much cheaper here compared to other states.
Another point is that there are many people from our community who come here during the winter. Snowbirds from northern cities, younger retirees who come and stay for 3-4 months.
It’s certainly easier for them to take care of what they need here rather than trekking through snow and ice to visit a dentist back home.
By the way, the weather here is beautiful. Though I’m sure NEW YORK is lovely when covered in snow, too.
The person who asked an initial question was like: oh, got it now, it makes sonse now when you sait, thank you so much for sharing the information.
And there you go. Just like that we can say that basically we can treat nation wide expect we are not going anywhere from Fort Lauderdale. But we’re lucky that people from north a coming to us, and use our services.